Fluid flow Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer Sixth Edition by Coulson and Richardson PDF & eBook

Fluid flow, Heat Transfer, and Mass Transfer Sixth edition by Coulson and Richardson provides the student with an account of the fundamentals of chemical engineering and constitutes the definitive work on the subject for academics and practitioners. This chapter is an introduction to the nature and methodology of the design process and its application to the design of chemical manufacturing processes.
Fluid flow Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer 6th Edition PDF Features:
* A logical progression of chemical engineering concepts, volume 2 builds on fundamental principles contained in Chemical Engineering volume 1, and these volumes are fully cross-referenced.
* Reflects the growth in complexity and stature of chemical engineering over the last few years.
* Supported by further reading at the end of each chapter and graded problems at the end of the book.
Table of contents:
Ø Units and dimension
Ø Flow and fluids
Ø Flow in pipes and channels
Ø Flow of compressible fluids
Ø Flow of multiphase mixtures
Ø Flow and pressure measurement
Ø Liquid mixing
Ø Pumping of fluids
Ø Heat transfer
Ø Mass transfer
Ø The boundary layer
Units of dimensions:
Units and dimensions are important for effective communication and standardization of measurements.
The flow of Fluids:
The behavior of fluids is essential to process engineering.
The flow of compressible fluids:
Compressible gas flow with significant variation in density along pipes is commonplace in the chemical processing industries
A flow of multiphase mixtures:
Multiphase flow is important in many areas of chemical and process engineering and the behaviour of the material will depend on the properties of the components.
Pressure measurement:
Pressure measurement devices can be separated into two categories: mechanical and electronic.
Liquid mixing:
Mixing is a unit operation that involves the manipulation of a heterogeneous physical system with the intent to make it more homogeneous.
Pumping of fluids:
It moves fluids or sometimes slurries by chemical action.
Heat transfer:
Heat transfer is a discipline of engineering that concerns the generation, use, conversion, and exchange of heat between physical systems.
Mass transfer:
Mass transfer is the net movement of mass from one location, usually meaning stream, phase, fraction or component, to another.
The boundary layer:
The boundary layer is an important concept and refers to the layer of fluid in the immediate vicinity of a bounding surface where the effects of viscosity are significant.
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