Principles Of Mass Transfer and Separation Process Binay K. Dutta PDF & eBook

Principle of Mass Transfer and Separation Process Binay K. Dutta

The principle of Mass Transfer and Separation Process  Binay K. Dutta is one of the finest books of Binay K. Dutta and was published under the supervision of Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd in 2007. The book consists of 960 pages.

B. K. Dutta is a professor at the University of Calcutta. Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation process constitutes a complete course for undergraduate students in Chemical Engineering.

It covers most of the major principles and theories related to Mass Transfer and Heat transfer. For better understanding, Numerical and practical real-time problems are also included n the book.

Principle of Mass Transfer and Separation Process Binay K. Dutta


Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Process Summary :

The principle of Mass Transfer and Separation Process Binay K. Dutta is divided in two sections the first section is related to the fundamental principles and theories related the chemical engineering which establishes a base for major processes related to Heat and Mass Transfer.

Each process is aided with numerical and visuals to simplify the complex procedures. The separation process is one of the toughest fields in Chemical engineering. It includes the process of separation for all forms of matter that is gas-gas, gas-liquid, liquid-liquid, etc. each process is supported with numerical.

Table of Content :

Molecular Diffusion.
Convective Mass transfer and mass transfer coefficient.
Interphase Mass transfer.
Gas-Liquid contacting Equipment.
Gas Absorption and Stripping.


Liquid-Liquid Extraction.
Solid-Liquid Extraction.
Humidification and Water Cooling.
Drying of wet solids.
Membrane Separation.
Multicomponent Distillation.
Transient diffusion and Mass transfer with Chemical Reaction.
Transient Diffusion in three Dimensions.
Irreversible Second-Order Reaction.
Instantaneous Reaction.

Appendix :

Answers/ hints to selected questions
For online readers, the PDF of the Principle of Mass transfer and separation process can be accessed or downloaded from the following link principles of mass transfer and separation processes by binary k Dutta pdf.

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