CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Design Volume 6 Fourth Edition PDF & eBook

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Design Volume 6 Fourth Edition was published on 19th October 2005 under the supervision of Butterworth-Heinemann. This book was written by Richardson, John Francis (J.F.), Harker, J.H., and Backhurst, J.R. contributed their efforts as well.
This book consists of 928 pages. This book can be utilized by undergraduates, postgraduates, and professionals. Coulson and Richardson Books series can provide versatile methods to learn about the fundamentals of Chemical Engineering.
Multiple methods related to a chemical field are well explained on the basis of the results of different experiments. Students interested in Mass transfer, fluid flow, and Heat Transfer can also take huge benefits from this book.
This book also contains problems and numerical as well which can provide a better understanding.
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Design Volume 6 Fourth Edition Summary:
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Design Volume 6 Fourth Edition provides an easy and simple explanation of different theories supported by practical applications, examples, and problems.
The first volume is distributed in sections related to Diffusion, Heat transfer, and fluid transfer. Each section contains a brief example of numerical and practical applications. Moreover, newly added chapters are related to heat exchanges, simultaneous reactions, and unsteady state mass transfer. Figures help the student to get a better understanding of topics.
Table of content:
Introduction to Design ;
Fundamentals of Material Balances ;
Fundamentals of Energy Balances (and Energy Utilization);
Flow-sheeting ;
Piping and Instrumentation ;
Costing and Project Evaluation;
Materials of Construction ;
Design Information and Data ;
Safety and Loss Prevention ;
Equipment Selection, Specification, and Design ;
Separation Columns (Distillation, Absorption, and Extraction) ;
This book can be downloaded or accessed through our website anytime from anywhere. Since this book includes numerical problems so solution manual of CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Design Volume 6 Fourth Edition s also available and can be downloaded from the given links
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