Fundamentals of Momentum Heat and Mass Transfer 5th Edition Welty PDF & eBook

Fundamentals of momentum heat and mass transfer 5th edition, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer is written by multiple authors including James R. Welty Department of Mechanical Engineering, Charles E. Wicks Department of Chemical Engineering Robert E.
Wilson Department of Mechanical Engineering Gregory L. Rorrer is a professor in Mechanical engineering in the University of Connecticut, Adrienne S. Lavine is a professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles, and David P.
Dewitt is a professor in the Mechanical Engineering department at Purdue University. Fundamentals of Momentum Heat and Mass Transfer 5th Edition PDF: The book is published under the supervision of John Wiley and Sons, Inc. on 12 June 2017.
It can be utilized for both Mechanical and Chemical Engineering students, it covers all the major topics related to Heat and Mass Transfer.
Fundamentals of Momentum Heat and Mass Transfer 5th Edition PDF Summary:
Fundamentals of momentum heat and mass transfer 5th edition. The book contains material related to mass and Heat transfer.
Fundamental principles and processes related to these two major parts of chemical engineering are well explained on the basis of numerous numerical and solved examples.
Unlike other books, it combines old techniques with the latest simulation software, through this blend a better learning environment is created for the reader to understand the concepts and process them more easily and effectively. Each process is explained with used instruments and mathematical calculations to justify the process and method used for it
Table of Content :
- Introduction to Momentum Transfer
2. Fluid Statics
3. Description of a Fluid in Motion
4. Conservation of Mass: Control-Volume Approach
5. Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Control-Volume Approach
6. Conservation of Energy: Control-Volume Approach - External Flow
8. Shear Stress in Laminar Flow
9. Analysis of a Differential Fluid Element in Laminar Flow
10. Differential Equations of Fluid Flow
11. In-viscid Fluid Flow
12. Dimensional Analysis and Similitude
13. Viscous Flow
14. Flow in Closed Conduits
- Transformations of the Operators = and =2 to Cylindrical Coordinates 648
B. Summary of Differential Vector Operations in Various Coordinate Systems 651
C. Symmetry of the Stress Tensor 654
D. The Viscous Contribution to the Normal Stress 655
E. The Navier–Stokes Equations for Constant r and m in Cartesian, Cylindrical, and Spherical Coordinates 657
F. Charts for Solution of Unsteady Transport Problems 659
xii Contents
G. Properties of the Standard Atmosphere 672
H. Physical Properties of Solids 675
I. Physical Properties of Gases and Liquids 678
J. Mass-Transfer Diffusion Coefficients in Binary Systems 691
K. Lennard–Jones Constants 694
L. The Error Function 697
M. Standard Pipe Sizes 698
N. Standard Tubing Gages 700
Author Index 703
Subject Index 705
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